Back to Basics

When I have the privilege of leading someone to a relationship with Jesus, it is so exciting! As I share with them, it also reminds me of some of the basic truths about being Jesus' follower that I can forget in my day-to-day life. 

Last Sunday we began a sermon series entitled, "Back to Basics!" For those who are new to the faith or wanting to know more about what following Jesus is about, this will lay the foundation and hopefully cause you to ask some more questions. For those who are already following Jesus, this will be a reminder of some of the truths you may have lost track of through the years. 

A Christian is a disciple of Jesus, one who learns to follow the example, Word, and Spirit of Jesus by letting the power of God transform them with God's love. There is much to learn or be reminded of and it is my prayer that this series would invigorate your faith by identifying just how beautiful a gift it is to do life with Jesus.

I'm including a link to a 3-week devotional called "You Said Yes". It's a free .pdf download or we'll have a few print copies available on Sunday. This can help drill down on some of the basics over 21 days starting this Sunday.

I pray we will grow closer to Jesus and learn to walk more fully in the freedom, joy, peace and hope that is found only in Him!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Nate


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