Pause… it’s a power move!

It’s that time of the year where the return from summer vacation leads to an onslaught of activity. School begins, along with sports, lessons, and host of other options to fill our time. As I begin to look at the variety of dates and add them to the calendar it can feel overwhelming. I need to pause and remind myself of a few things.
First, invite the Lord into your schedule. It might be new, but prayerfully consider the options in front of you and your family by asking God for his leading and discernment. Ask God for wisdom as you plot out the events of your days, weeks and months. Make time to listen and seek Jesus, inviting him into the ebb and flow of your lives. You never know where he’ll show up, or how he might use you in a unique way to make a difference in the lives of those around you.
Second, clarify the commitment. Identify what is being asked of us (our kids) and what we’re willing to do. As we choose what to engage in, remember that we are not writing a blank cheque to those commitments. We often have some conversations about expectations between Leslie and I, us and our kids, and us and the coaches/teachers. So far, we’ve been able to find solutions that allow us to feel like we can participate yet retain our priorities.
Lastly, don’t forget to schedule rest. Maybe you’re like me and refer to this as the second half of the year…the problem is, it’s only four months, not six! Autumn into Winter always feels so slammed. As you look at the next few months, don’t forget to schedule rest. Plan date nights, family time, do-nothing time. If possible, plan in some buffer between big events. It’s too easy to get sucked into the vortex of busyness which doesn’t help anyone live into their best self.
The fact of the matter is that our spiritual lives are not well served by over committed schedules governed by the tyranny of the urgent. My prayer is that the Lord will show up in your schedule in surprising ways when you invite him in and that we each will find a pace of life that is healthy and sustainable so that we are able to honour God in all that we say and do. May our lives bear witness to the greatness of Jesus and his engagement with us in the day-today happenings that shape us.
To God be the Glory,
Pastor Nate.

p.s. Studies show that people who take at least one nap a week live longer!


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