Church of God

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It’s so Cliché

Like nana said, "God doesn't give us more than we can handle." 

Or does he?

There are many sayings that get passed around in Christian circles that are well meaning, but not always accurate. People say things like, "God helps those who help themselves." or "Cleanliness is next to godliness."

I understand that these are well-meaning, but if we're not careful we can be passing along poor theology. That means people will expect things of God that are not true, and when God doesn't meet those expectations, they conclude God isn't real, isn't worth it or is a liar.

I'm thinking about a future sermon series, or perhaps some topics for the blog, that will explore some of these well-intentioned myths and seek to discover what God really says about the topics. 

Here's where I need your help...

What are some of the “Christian” sayings / slogans / clichés that you have heard or are curious about?  I'll do my best to tackle as many as I can and I won't reveal who suggested what. You can reply to this email or send it to when you get the time.

May our faith grow as we lean in to the truth God will reveal. 

To God be the Glory!

Pastor Nate Wiebe