Spiritual Conversations
Sometimes it can feel intimidating for Christians to think about doing "Evangelism." The very word may bring a flood of varied images to one's mind, with many not being positive. But what if it didn't have to be like that?
What if you realized that, in evaluating your involvement in evangelism, you could count conversations, not just conversions? What if helping people process their ideas about God allowed you to share about who God is to you? What if you really believed that what Jesus did and taught truly is "good news?" That's what the root word of evangelism means...good news!
In the next couple weeks we'll be continuing the series that directs us to get back to basics. I want to teach or remind you of the beauty and power of the gospel of Jesus Christ that leads to lives being transformed. As God's Spirit works in us and we respond, I believe we'll become more aware of the opportunities you and I have to make a difference in the lives of people around us.
It is my prayer that the Holy Spirit will begin to tune you into the areas God is working in the lives of those around you. I hope that you would be willing to engage in spiritual conversations with people even when you don't have all the answers. Because the truth is, nobody has all the answers, but a sincere listening ear can sure do wonders in helping people feel valued and knowing what God might want to say to them in their situation. It's also ok to say things like, "I'm not sure." or "I'll have to look into that some more." or "That's a really great point, I haven't seen it that way before."
Many are looking for safe people to have spiritual conversations with them. Christians are not always who they seek out because of a reputation (sometimes underserving, sometimes earned) for having an agenda and being poor listeners. Begin with prayer and listen for what God is inviting you into, you may just find that your ears, actions and invitations open doors for spiritual conversations!
- Pastor Nathan
p.s. What if your next step as a disciple of Jesus was growing as an evangelistic listener?