Believers or Disciples
If a “believer” is only someone who gives mental assent to the existence of Jesus, then there’s a difference between “believers” and disciples of Jesus.
However, if we accept the biblical understanding of “believer” as “someone who puts their trust/faith in” Jesus, then there’s not such a contrast. Becoming a Believer is more like the first step on the path of discipleship.
What is a disciple of Jesus? That’s the big question!
The simplest answer is that a disciple is one who seeks to know, follow, and submit to the teaching of Jesus. Or perhaps, an apprenticeof Jesus.
When we look at the example of the disciples Jesus had when he walked the earth, we find that the call to know and follow Jesus was quite radical. It was a call with some surprises built in and a call to leave some things behind. They needed to lay aside old priorities and reprioritize everything toward following him.
There was also a commitment to learn new rhythms and patterns of life as part of Jesus’ community. New practices shaped who the disciples were becoming under Jesus and with one another.
Christians are called to be disciples who make disciples. Part of what we aim to do as a church is foster an environment where this can happen. We provide a number of environments that facilitate practices that nurture the community of and encourage apprenticeship with Jesus. Sunday morning services are significant for facilitating the worship of God alongside teaching and preaching. Bible studies, family events, seasonal celebrations and ways to serve all shape our church family.
ReFuel community meals are also part of our discipleship patterns. We reconvene next week and look forward to gathering / catching up with you. It’s so good to reconnect with old friends and to make with new ones!
Jesus told his followers that the world would know they are his disciples by the way they love each other. (John 13:34-35)
How can you love someone you don’t know?
Refuel community meals help us to know each other better, which in turn helps us to love each other better, which means we are practicing what Jesus taught his disciples.
So this is your invitation to engage with us this upcoming season of Refuel, not just for great food, but as a pattern of discipleship.
- Pastor Nathan