Considering Baptism…

I was baptized when I was 16. I had struggled to live out my faith in the factory where I worked, but felt the discontentment of knowing Jesus but not living in a way that bore witness to his truth & love. 

Baptism helped solidify my resolve and testified to my commitment to Christ. It was an outward expression of an inward reality. 

The descent into the water symbolizes death, dying to self and acknowledging Jesus death on the cross to pay for your sin. Then coming up out of the water symbolizes being born again, raised to new life in Jesus, spiritually alive in Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit.

        We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that,
        just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father,
        we too might walk in newness of life.
 - Romans 6:4

The power of the resurrection, the God that raised Jesus from the dead can live in those who confess, turn from their sin, accept the gift of Jesus’ forgiveness and follow Him. 

Jesus was baptized and instructed his disciples to baptize as well. The early church also recognized it as a key step of obedience for each believer.

What about you? 
Have you been baptized? 
What are you waiting for?

Join me in exploring if this is the right time for you! Let me know if you have questions and would like to understand baptism. We can have a personal conversation, or, if there's a few people interested, we'll have a class to learn more. 
After that, we'll schedule a Sunday to baptize any who are ready. 
Your are never too old to follow in the way of Jesus. 

Take the next step...

In Christ,
Pastor Nate


What a Joke!


Celebrating a Decade with you…