Why do Christians Pray?
Back to Basics: Week 5. Prayer is one of the basic habits to learn when a person wants to follow Jesus better. Listen in to find out how to grow in your pursuit of God through prayer.
Scripture: Matthew 6: 5-8
Invitation to Freedom
Part 3 in a sermon series that brings us back to the basics of what it means to become a follower of Jesus.
This week we talk about the Freedom available to those who follow Jesus.
Scripture: John 8:31-6 / Romans 8:1-2
What does it mean to be “Born Again”?
The second part of the Back to Basics series. What is a ‘born-again’ Christian? We explore what happens when a person believes, puts their faith in Jesus Christ. The new life initiated when receiving Jesus Christ enables a person to have a fresh start.
Back to Basics
A new sermon series that brings us back to the basics of what it means to become a follower of Jesus. Over time we can forget the truth and reality that a Christian can live in. This series aims to remind us of some core elements of the faith that can transform our lives again, or for the first time!
Third Sunday of Advent: Peace
Peace can be elusive, but if we pause, we just might rediscover the path. We celebrate the 4 Sundays of Advent in preparation for Christmas. This third week we explore Peace as we anticipate celebrating the birth of Jesus and his eventual return.
Scripture: Micah 5:2-5a
2nd Sunday of Advent: Joy
We celebrate the 4 Sundays of Advent in preparation for Christmas. This second week we explore Joy as we anticipate celebrating the birth of Jesus and his eventual return. Has your life run out of joy? Where do you find it? How does one get joy?
Scripture: Isaiah 9:2-7
Speaker: Pastor Nate Wiebe
1st Sunday of Advent: HOPE
We enter into the 4 Sundays of Advent in preparation for Christmas. This first week we explore HOPE as we anticipate celebrating the birth of Jesus and his eventual return. Scripture: Psalm 72
Are You a Team Player?
Week 11 in our series in Colossians.
There's no "I" in team. While we hear lots about the Apostle Paul, he did not operate as a Lone Ranger. Instead, he built up a team to partner with him in the work of the gospel. We too, are called to be part of a team that contributes to the ministry of the local church. What type of team mate are you?
Scripture: Colossians 4:7-18
Guest Speaker: Pastor Gary Bistritan
The Secret to Improving Life at Home.
Week 9 in our series in Colossians we find a controversial text isn't quite so bad when put in proper context. So should wives submit to their husbands? Listen to find out...
Scripture: Colossians 3:17-4:1
Beware of Friendly Fire!
Week 6 in our series diving into Colossians we find a warning against people in the church who act as self-appointed judges of others. How can you find a healthy church that doesn't nurture an atmosphere of judgment?
Avoiding Deception: part 2
Week 5 in our series diving into Colossians we find a 2nd warning against deception in the church. Join us to find out the power of remembering who you are in Christ.
Scripture: Colossians 2:6-15
Do Real Christians Suffer?
Week 3 in our series diving into Colossians we find words of reflection on the mystery of God... How Jesus is for everyone and what it means to share in his glory. Scripture: Colossians 1:24-29
Following the Shepherd.
If we are willing to follow the Shepherd he will lead us in right ways regardless of our external circumstances. We can trust the Shepherd!