What does the Holy Spirit do?
Back to Basics: Week 6. The Holy Spirit helps a person to know and follow Jesus better. The Spirit of God dwells in the Christian and guides them into truth. Get to know Jesus with the help of God's Spirit and Word.
Scripture: John 14:15-28, Romans 8:1-17
Invitation to Freedom
Part 3 in a sermon series that brings us back to the basics of what it means to become a follower of Jesus.
This week we talk about the Freedom available to those who follow Jesus.
Scripture: John 8:31-6 / Romans 8:1-2
Back to Basics
A new sermon series that brings us back to the basics of what it means to become a follower of Jesus. Over time we can forget the truth and reality that a Christian can live in. This series aims to remind us of some core elements of the faith that can transform our lives again, or for the first time!