More than political…
Some words create division and cause confusion easily.
Here’s two: liberal & conservative.
Rarely do two people mean the same thing when they use these words. …
Watch out for the Umpires!
That’s the gist of what we talked about on Sunday as we explored Colossians 2:16-23. In both verses 16 and 18 we find the warnings, “do not let anyone judge you… and do not let anyone…disqualify you.” The congregation in Colossae had some people who had appointed themselves arbiters of Christian faith and practice.
What is Trunk n’ Treat
This is the 'why' behind one of the biggest events we put on each year...
A Prayerful Posture…
What experiences might cause a person to be uncomfortable by a sign that says “Free Prayer”?
Significance & Satisfaction…
Significance and satisfaction are affected by the regrets we carry, particularly when it comes to our relationships!